Figure 4.10: ‘Isaac Button: Country Potter Part 2’

Figure 4.11: ‘Paying Honest Attention’ a film about Anne Mette Hjortshøj

Figure 4.12: ‘Fitch and McAndrew 31st October 2015’

Figure 4.13: Johnny Magee’s ‘Marl Hole’

Figure 4.14: Dan Unsworth’s ‘Throwing a very simple Pottery Wall Vase on the Wheel’

Figure 4.15: Simon Leach’s ‘Throwing and altering a 3lb bowl’

Figure 4.16: Cindy Clarke’s ‘How to Throw a Mug on the Potter’s Wheel – Making Mugs – Episode 1’

Figure 4.17: Tip Toland’s ‘Sculpting a clay head’

Figure 4.18: Forrest Middelton’s ‘Measuring Prints for Specific Forms’

Figure 4.19: Chris Staley’s ‘Can you teach creativity?’

Figure 4.20: ‘Whichford Pottery: how we make our pots’

Figure 4.21: Ayumi Horie’s ‘White Pots’

Figure 4.22: ‘Clap Along with Keith’