Christmas Market

Christmas Market

On the 3rd and 4th of December I held my open studio, which people came and had a look around. We had to close early on the Saturday because a storm was brewing and my sails were ready to take off, so we made everything safe and got to sit in a warm house. Thank you to everyone that came, hopefully we can run more events in the New Year and get a warmer space sorted out here

That’s right I have launched a website for my painting escapades I am a self taught painter having started when Red Fox Pottery was in its infancy back in 2011, I felt it deserved its own space as it does very different work to the pottery. Though some of the prints that I do are available from the shop.

Working Daily at Art

This is a partial follow up to 9 ways to use a sketchbook   My daily work at the moment takes many many forms, I draw, I paint and I write poetry. My wife calls me a workaholic, which is probably true but it helps keep me focused. Since May 2016 I have made an extra effort to make progress on my drawing and painting skills, so far that makes 469 continuous days. I started because I knew I either had to start working full-time at pottery and needed a hobby or I was going to get a job and…