Pottery For Preston

I was recently commissioned to make pottery for the Harris Museum in Preston, the pottery will be available for sale through the Harris Museum. There are six pots each has a section of the views of Preston, so each covers about 60 degrees of the view, which is carved through white slip on terracotta. The windows also have white gold lustre to make them stand out further. It was an amazing job to work on, it unfortunately came up in the middle of my youngest being diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic, but that’s a completely different story.

Announcement! Woodworking for Potters

I have been considering this for a while but this week I went and I did some filming at the day job. There is still a lot to get to grips with my canon when it comes to film and more than likely they will come up in this mini series. So here it is the announcement: So far there are going to be four episodes with a fifth one planned. Throwing Stick Cutting Wires Name Stamps Throwing Ribs With saggar making planned for filming soon. So here is a sneak peak of some of the tools I made: At…

What’s in the Saggar?

For the uninitiated, I should explain what a Saggar is, it is a big piece of pottery that smaller pottery is sealed in.  Traditionally this was done in Stoke on Trent to protect the pottery from the coal fire that they fired their kilns with. Modern Potters use them to get a reduction environment inside an electric kiln, this stops the kiln from getting damaged and brings some different effects to the pots. I threw a a saggar a few years ago and it has been sat on the top shelf on my studio for a few years now, not…