2020 was a dumpster fire, let’s make 2021 an amazing year!

2020 was a dumpster fire, let’s make 2021 an amazing year!

For me 2020 was a dumpster fire from the start my Grandma who taught me to bake and paint passed away in the January, I got furloughed, I quit my day job so I could be around for my amazing sons. This year I plan on taking my work and business to new heights! I have been doing that the last few months by becoming one of James Victore’s Creative Warriors. This program has really got me fired up about the journey ahead, I’ve got the webshop here on the pottery up and running and my painting has come on…


With my work I decided some time again that I wanted to make playful work especially as we has limited time, so why make something serious and stagnant. It’s about make pots that contain energy and liveliness, which can be difficult in a medium that becomes “set in stone”. I can’t just hand a customer a soft clay pot and touch the fresh clay and let them feel how alive it is, and how the slightest movement can change its form, but I want to leave that impression that it was touched with hands and not just mass made to…

Watch this Space…

So I was going through some pots in storage a few weeks ago and pulled out this lidded jar. It really caught my eye and I can’t stop looking at it, it is one of the last things I made before my youngest child was born. I have a feeling something similar to this will be on the cards again. They give a good variety of surfaces to carve, decorate and play with and I would like to get them into a saggar too, perhaps with a bit less decoration and let the saggar do all the work.

The Potters Cast

The Potters Cast

Back in February I was interviewed by Paul Blais on The Potters Cast and it was just released as episode 214.  Please have a listen and let me know what you think.  Currently I am testing a new Social Media Platform that I quite like, join the mailing list to find out more in the next week or so.