2020 was a dumpster fire, let’s make 2021 an amazing year!
For me 2020 was a dumpster fire from the start my Grandma who taught me to bake and paint passed away in the January, I got furloughed, I quit my day job so I could be around for my amazing sons. This year I plan on taking my work and business to new heights! I have been doing that the last few months by becoming one of James Victore’s Creative Warriors. This program has really got me fired up about the journey ahead, I’ve got the webshop here on the pottery up and running and my painting has come on leaps and bounds recently and I’m really excited about that!
So back to how I am going to make 2021 an amazing year, rather than wallow in my grief I decided to do something positive! So I went back and redrew and repainted the Ice Cream shop in Fleetwood that was the as piece I had painted before she passed away. I So this piece is so much better than the previous version I decided to make some prints. 101 to be exact. I have 100 A3 prints and a single absolutely massive A1 print. The A1 print is so big it filled my entire desk and had to be taped to a piece of cardboard as the largest panel I have for putting my paintings on is A2.

So how this works. You hop over to my etsy store, when you buy an A3 print I take a standard print as shown above, I grab my posca markers and my watercolours and I extend the image, make alterations, and take what is already an amazing quality print and I make it unique!
A3 prints:
A1 print:
Just Giving to donate money to Trinity Hospice:

Coming along by leaps and bounds!
Thank you! I definitely agree, just from the growth from November, never mind a year ago> Something seemed to click!
Learning a lot just customising these 100 prints, it is really helping my way of thinking!