Rocks have Lids?

Rocks have Lids?

Or how something I created due to injury became of of my favourite ceramic creations. In 2018 I was preparing for Earth and Fire in Nottinghamshire and working as a Design Technology Technician (wood, metal and plastics) as a day job, I was using a bandsaw which was something I did most days as I was generally using the laser cutter and supervising classes at the same time. Our bandsaw wasn’t the best, it was in all likelihood bought by the school long before I was born and it was in constant need of TLC. Regardless, as I made a…

Wave Marks in the Sand, or…

Wave Marks in the Sand, or…

Wave Marks in the Sand, or Soap Dishes? The answer is soap dishes, I’m making these to take to the Green Loop Eco Makers Market in Lytham St Annes at the end of April. They will be glazed in a wood ash glaze, which is waste from wood stoves, plus a powdered clay and the calcinated seashells from my saggar firings, once they have been used to stop pots sticking together in that firing they turn to powder which can then be used to help flux the glaze. As well as these I will also be making the tools that…

Christmas Market

Christmas Market

On the 3rd and 4th of December I held my open studio, which people came and had a look around. We had to close early on the Saturday because a storm was brewing and my sails were ready to take off, so we made everything safe and got to sit in a warm house. Thank you to everyone that came, hopefully we can run more events in the New Year and get a warmer space sorted out here

Pottery For Preston

I was recently commissioned to make pottery for the Harris Museum in Preston, the pottery will be available for sale through the Harris Museum. There are six pots each has a section of the views of Preston, so each covers about 60 degrees of the view, which is carved through white slip on terracotta. The windows also have white gold lustre to make them stand out further. It was an amazing job to work on, it unfortunately came up in the middle of my youngest being diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic, but that’s a completely different story.


With my work I decided some time again that I wanted to make playful work especially as we has limited time, so why make something serious and stagnant. It’s about make pots that contain energy and liveliness, which can be difficult in a medium that becomes “set in stone”. I can’t just hand a customer a soft clay pot and touch the fresh clay and let them feel how alive it is, and how the slightest movement can change its form, but I want to leave that impression that it was touched with hands and not just mass made to…