Stuck in a Loop

Every so often my thinking gets stuck in a loop, thinking the same things over and over and not solving anything. At the moment it is photography there is so much to think about.

I have a to do list which feels extensive

1->I have to set up an on-line shop
-> this requires two things:

  1. setting up a payment method
  2. taking photographs of everything I already have

2->I need to apply to craft/pottery fairs
-> these need a variety of things:

  1. I need to work out what I want to show
  2. make that work
  3. photograph it
  4. write all my artist information

3->Apply to galleries/shops

  1. I need to work out what I want to show (dependant on the place)
  2. make that work
  3. photograph it
  4. write all my artist information
  5. write a personalised pitch and market to them

4-> Start posting more often on social media
-> I have a few things I want to do on social

  1. Post lifestyle shots
  2. Using pottery in food photography
  3. Make more short videos for social media
  4. Make more longer videos for YouTube
  5. share more of my daily art
  6. share some of my poetry

I my mind is obsessed with photography at the moment and I spend all my free time researching different techniques and set ups, but just can’t commit to buying anything and it is driving me up the wall as I keep doubting myself. I didn’t like my previous setup of a light tent, I never liked anything I took with that set up.

I can’t afford a professional for all my photography at the moment and I know from looking at my own instagram feed I really need to improve what I do for social media too.

I really just need to get on with it, there is so much to do.

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