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That’s right I have launched a website for my painting escapades I am a self taught painter having started when Red Fox Pottery was in its infancy back in 2011, I felt it deserved its own space as it does very different work to the pottery. Though some of the prints that I do are available from the shop.
Things are changing
For simplicities sake, Joseph’s Pottery is moving to Both sites are undergoing development so it will be a short while whilst I get them where I want them. Thank you for being Patient. ~Joseph

A New Space to be Creative
It has been a long term goal to try and get a new workshop sorted. My old workshop was a rotten 13 year old wooden shed, that was a mere 5 foot by 7 foot (1.5m by 2.1m) and no matter what I did it was too cramped, and more than once I tripped over myself. The only major body of work I created in that form of the workshop was for the Harris Museum back in 2019. I was looking at building something this year but I randomly went on Facebook Marketplace and spotted a storage container that was…

2020 was a dumpster fire, let’s make 2021 an amazing year!
For me 2020 was a dumpster fire from the start my Grandma who taught me to bake and paint passed away in the January, I got furloughed, I quit my day job so I could be around for my amazing sons. This year I plan on taking my work and business to new heights! I have been doing that the last few months by becoming one of James Victore’s Creative Warriors. This program has really got me fired up about the journey ahead, I’ve got the webshop here on the pottery up and running and my painting has come on…

We Are Open
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Open for Business
So I was given the opportunity to run some workshops for LEFTCOAST our local arts organisation and I decided it was as good a time as any to start the business back up again. I have been thinking about starting up again anyway but this was the major kick I needed to get going.