A New Space to be Creative
It has been a long term goal to try and get a new workshop sorted. My old workshop was a rotten 13 year old wooden shed, that was a mere 5 foot by 7 foot (1.5m by 2.1m) and no matter what I did it was too cramped, and more than once I tripped over myself. The only major body of work I created in that form of the workshop was for the Harris Museum back in 2019.

I was looking at building something this year but I randomly went on Facebook Marketplace and spotted a storage container that was about the size I wanted and was within my budget and didn’t mean I was struggling to build something by myself. The next day I went to look at it and paid for it. Came home and started clearing the yard, my old shed had to come down pretty sharpish as we had a few days of dry weather.

We had to call in a favour to move it so we put down some footings from mainly scavenged bricks, took down my old gate and fence. Once the container was in place we built a new fence and gate which went up much faster working with my Grandad than doing it alone.

Up to now the outside is almost finished but the inside has a way to go first before I can call it a day. Once I have got the inside sorted and the yard tidied I will be able to offer lessons to one or two people at a time and even lessons on how to make your own glazes and where to find materials.